Trik Merawat Furnitur Kayu Tetap KinclongTips in Maintaining Wooden Furniture – Dari dulu furniture dengan bahan baku kayu tetap digemari, bahkan di era modernisasi ini, kehadiran furniture kayu tetap menjadi primadona. Warna kayu alaminya menjadi daya pikat tersendiri. Terlebih lagi jika furniture kayu tersebut merupakan furniture warisan, maka kesan “kuno”nya semakin mudah “dibaca”.  Oleh karena itu diperlukan perawatan-perawatan rutin untuk menjaga furniture kayu tetap mengkilap dan terjaga keawetannya.

Bahan baku kayu yang cenderung mudah menyerap minyak dan air, mengharuskan pemilik furniture dengan bahan baku kayu untuk telaten melakukan maintenance. Berikut ini adalah trik untuk menjaga furniture kayu agar tetap tampil kinclong:

Ampas Kelapa

Gosokkan ampas kelapa pada furniture kayu searah dengan serat kayu lalu diamkan beberapa menit. Setelah kering, segera bersihkan dengan lap kering yang bersih dan furniture kayu kesayangan Anda pun langsung tampil kinclong.


Furnitur Wax

Oleskan furniture wax pada lap bersih dan kering lalu gosokkan searah serat kayu pada permukaan furniture. Apabila furniture Anda jenis furniture berukir, sebaiknya gunakan kuas untuk mengoleskan furniture wax.


Bahan Kimia

Hindarkan furniture kayu dari benda-benda berbahan sintetis. Sebisa mungkin jangan tempatkan benda-benda yang terbuat dari sintetis pada furniture kayu karena bahan-bahan tersebut mengandung bahan kimia yang dapat merusak lapisan cat.



Sediakan tatakan atau kain alas saat meletakkan sesuatu yang panas di atas furniture kayu. Misalnya saat meletakkan sayur panas di atas meja makan, sebaiknya lapisi meja dengan tatakan mangkok yang saat ini banyak dijumpai di pasaran.


Sinar Matahari

Hindarkan furniture dari paparan langsung sinar matahari. Paparan sinar matahri secara langsung yang berlangsung secara terus-menerus berpotensi tinggi memudarkan warna cat furniture.

Sumber: – Wooden material furniture may still be the most chosen furniture in this modern age. The natural color from the wooden material is the main interesting part of this furniture. It can be more interesting if this type of wooden furniture is heritage furniture. The old fashion appearance becomes the high value of the furniture. This wooden material furniture needs routine maintenance to keep the wooden furniture’s appearance stay shining and the durability. The wooden material characteristic which is easily absorbing oil and water is the main reason why the routine maintenance is needed. Here are some tips in keeping the furniture’s appearance to stay shining.

Coconut Dregs

Rub the coconut dregs on the wooden furniture in the same way as the wood fiber and then leave it for several minutes. If it is dry, clean the surface by using dry and clean cloth and your wooden furniture will shine again.

Furniture Wax

Smear the furniture wax by using dry and clean cloth and rub it in the same way as the wood fiber of the furniture surface. If your furniture is carved type, it is better to use the brush in smearing the furniture wax.

Keep it from Chemical Contains

Avoid the wooden furniture from synthetic items. Do not put synthetic items on the wooden furniture because of the characteristic of the chemical contained in the synthetic items which can damage the paint.


Put a mat as a border or foundation if you want to put something hot on your wooden furniture. As example, if you want to put a bowl of hot vegetables on the dining table. You can easily buy mat on the market

Keep it From Direct Sun Light

Keep away your furniture from direct sun light. Continuous direct sun light will affect on the furniture by damaging the paint color of the furniture.
