Material Dasar Kitchen Set (Bagian 4)Kitchen Set Basic Material (Part 4) – Semenjak peradaban manusia memasuki masa menetap dan tinggal di suatu hunian, manusia telah mengenal setidaknya peralatan-peralatan sederhana yang nantinya dapat berkembang menjadi berbagai peralatan modern pada jaman sekarang. Berbagai peralatan tersebut pun lambat laun juga membutuhkan tempat sebagai penyimpanan atau sekadar pendukung kegiatan sehari-hari di rumah. Tempat penyimpanan di dalam rumah sendiri bisa dikatakan cukup beragam, dari buffet yang banyak ditemukan di ruang tamu, ruang tengah, ataupun ruang keluarga, lemari pakaian dan lemari peralatan di berbagai kamar dan ruangan, dan yang sedang kita bahas dalam beberapa artikel terakhir, yakni kitchen set.

Kitchen set sendiri mengalami begitu banyak perubahan. Pada awalnya, masyarakat tanah air biasanya mengenal kitchen set berbahan dasar kayu solid, namun kini kita pasti dengan mudah mendapatkan kitchen set yang memakai bahan dasar lainnya. Untuk jenis kayu olahan sendiri, terdapat sebuah bahan bernama blockboard yang juga banyak dipakai oleh kitchen set modern.

Sebagai salah satu jenis kayu olahan, blockboard terdiri dari tiga lapisan utama, lapisan muka atau face yang berupa plywood berukuran 0.5-2 mm, lapisan kedua atau core yang berasal dari kayu meranti atau albasia. Bagian core juga memiliki lapisan laminasi yang biasanya memiliki ketebalan berkisar 10-14 mm dan dibentuk sedemikian rupa agar sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Untuk lapisan terakhir di bagian belakang biasanya terbuat dari lembaran plywood berketebalan sekitar 0.5 hingga 2 mm. Blockboard sendiri biasanya secara fisik terlihat seperti balok kayu berukuran 4 hingga 5 cm yang dipadatkan menggunakan mesin dan dilapisi sehingga berbentuk seperti papan kayu. Blockboard sendiri terkenal memiliki ketebalan yang terbatas dan ketipisannya minimal berkisar 15 mm namun tetap termasuk sebagai bahan kitchen set yang cukup banyak dicari oleh masyarakat. – Since the human civilization was reaching the age where people started to build their own house, people was started to understand simple tools which they could use for daily purpose. Those simple tools were developing into many nowadays modern tools. All kinds of tools slowly needed the place as the storaging place or just the place that supported the house’s daily activities. The storage place inside the house is quite a lot to mention; started from the buffet which can be found in the living room, center or family room, wardrobe or tools cupboard which can be found in many rooms, and also the furniture which we already discussed in earlier articles, the kitchen set.

Kitchen set had many changes due the age. At the beginning, people in this country saw the kitchen set with the solid wooden material, but right now, it is easy to find the kitchen set in many other basic materials. For the processed wooden material, there is a material named Blockboard which is also frequently used as the modern kitchen set. As one of the processed wooden materials, blockboard has three main layers; the face layer which is formed by 0.5-2 mm plywood material, the second layer or core which comes from the meranti or albasia wood. This core layer has lamination layer which is around 10-14 mm thick and shaped perfectly according to the need. The last layer which is called as the back layer is made by plywood layer in 0.5-2 mm thick. Physically, blockboard is shaped like wooden block in 4-5 cm size which was compacted and layered by machine so that it is similar to wood. It is famous in its limited thickness which is the thinnest layer is around 15 mm, but still blockboard is one of the material of the kitchen set which is frequiently searched by people.