Couch Treatment Tips

Many people believe that couch is one of the most important elements in interior. This furniture has function as sitting media and needs treatment process just like any other house, office, or school furniture. The treatment way of couch is different from other treatment way to other furniture. Here are some tips we can do to make sure that your couch is well treated.

1.       Keep your couch away from milk, tea, coffee, syrup or other liquid spill.

2.       Do periodically dust cleaning by using vacuum cleaner

3.       For special kind of couch. You have to make sure that the base and the back part of the couch can be removed. This can be an advantage in washing process, but we have to make sure that the couch material can be washed or not. There are several couch materials which only can be washed by dry cleaner way.

4.       Do not use the couch exceeding its maximum weight capacity.

5.       If your couch gets wet in a point only, you can dry it by using hairdryer, but if your couch get total wet, you can dry it under the sunlight. But avoid direct sunlight to keep the couch color from fading. Dry your couch in a open space so that the air can circulates well.

6.       If your couch is made by synthetic leather, you can use wet cloth to clean it.

7.       For smudge which cannot easily removed or thick dust because of the couch is never being used, it is better to use laundry service to wash the couch.

8.       Keep the couch away from sharps.

9.       Keep the couch away from children’s streak.
