Tips in Maintaining Board Particle Furniture

Nowadays, there are many kinds of furniture, starting from kitchen set, cupboard, children studying desk, bookshelves, shoe shelves, and other kinds of furniture using board particle as the raw materials. Board Particle is united wood crumbs; those wood crumbs are glued by special gluten so that it becomes a good quality wood product.

This board particle gets much appreciation from people because of the lightweight and cheap price. If you are one of board particle lovers, here are some tips in maintaining board particle furniture to make it durable.

1.       Do not put the board particle furniture in a humid temperature place.

2.    If your board particle furniture is dining table. It is better to put lining between wet plates or glasses and the table so the board particle is not getting wet, too. Dry your table with cloth if some wet found.

3.      If you found fungi on your board particle furniture. Clean it immediately by using dry cloth first, then repeat the cleaning by using glass cleaner and continue it with dry cloth again. Make this cleaning process at least once in two week to avoid fungi grows on your furniture.

4.       Do not use thinner. Thinner can spoil the paper layer of your furniture.

5.     Do not put heavy things on your board particle drawer or bookshelf. The ideal weight for board particle furniture is around 5-10 kg. If you put heavier things on it, it might be that the furniture will bend or broken.
