Tips in Organizing the Make-up Table – Make up table is very important furniture for woman. Make up table is the right place for woman to keep so many woman stuffs, especially for the beauty treatment for the skin, hair, or even the nail. If we want to make the appearance of the make-up table is neat and pretty, there are some tips which are provided by and you can apply for your make up table, which are:


It’s better to place the make-up table near to the window. Near the window means the make-up table will get a nice lightning from the sunlight, so that it is easy for you to do the make-up activity. A good lightning will protect you from over make up; too thick and not suit for your face. You can even add lamps close to the make-up table. These lamps will be very useful if you want to do a make up at night. Remember that the lightning factor can help you to get the best and perfect make up for you.

The Lay Out

If you want to keep the neatness of your make up table, you can put the make-up equipments inside the drawers or racks which are already provided. Put the mostly used make up accessories in the uppers drawer, followed by the second mostly used make up, then sometimes being used and the last drawer must be filled by the make-up which is seldom used by the woman. By storing the make-up equipments inside the drawers, the make-up table will look very neat and empty so that you can put the private or family pictures on the table.


Cleanness is very important. It might be that you have the best and the most important make up table, but the table won’t look good at all if you fail in keeping its cleanness. The make-up powder can draggle the make-up table easily. In keeping your make up table’s appearance, you can clean the make-up table periodically by using the wet cloth.

By doing those tips, the appearance of your make up table can always look neat, clean, and pretty
