Oven of the Kitchen Set

Lunarfurniture.com – in the earlier articles, we already discussed about the microwave oven. Recently, this coking equipment gains any popularity by the society since it has lower price and lower electricity consumption compared to the past microwave oven. It means, people who live in traditional house which has lower electricity power can get this equipment in their kitchen. Well, right now we are discussing about the oven, especially some kinds of oven which become the part of the kitchen set used to fulfil the daily need of the kitchen.

The oven kind which is quite popular in society is the electric oven. This kind of oven is easily found in the kitchen of those who love to bake cake or meat since modern electric oven has stabile temperature so that the baking process can be done well and quick. The stability of the temparature is caused by the convection fan which is spinning maximumly so that the baking process can be done very well for the cake or meat.

It uses electricity power, but you don’t need to worry about the power consumption since it is quite low and since the baking duration is quite short, there will be no more wasted energy. Based on the utilization, oven can be classified into several kinds, the freestanding oven and the build in oven.

The freestanding oven is made in one unit with stove. In other word, we can find this equipment on the kitchen set with stove on the top part, and oven part on the side. Well, commonly, the fuel of this oven is gas, not electricity just like the build in oven. This build in oven is easily found in the kitchen set as the equipment placed as the united part of the kitchen set’s lower cabinet so that the kitchen set’s appearance remains interesting and neat.

Source: arsitekturvaastustudio.wordpress.com