Repelling the Flea Out of the Bed – Sleep is one of the human’s biological needs which is must be done. By having enough time of sleep, the human body will do a kind of like battery recharging which can refill the energy needed for daily activities of human. Besides, the good quality and enough sleep can give the body chance to naturally neutralize the poison which came inside the body during the day. Without any good and enough sleep, the poison won’t be neutralized and it can cause any disease for human. Those reasons are enough to make people always want to have the good quality and enough sleep every night.

In order to get the good quality and enough time to sleep, people will do several ways, such as by getting the nice and comfortable bed as the place to sleep, the utilization of dim sleep lamp, or even by using the air conditioner so that the temperature of the bedroom can be adjusted into the most comfortable one to sleep. Well, there’s one big thing that we can do in order to make our sleep feels so good, we must make sure that the bed is clean and free of flea which can harm the quality of our sleep.

If your bed has any flea, we won’t get any comfortable sleep. While we are trying to sleep, the flea can bite our skin so that our sleep won’t be enough nor in good quality. We must repel the flea out of the bed soon. But, how can we repel them if their sizes are so tiny so that we couldn’t see them by our eyes?

The bug repelling spray can be the best answer for this. Just spray it on the bed and the flea will be repelled out or even dead, but the pesticide of this spray is quite dangerous for human’s health, even if the pesticide is left on the bed and inhaled by human breath so that it causes any disease. Well, we can do other thing, which is by dry the bed up under the hot shinny sunlight. The flea won’t handle the sun light and get out of the bed soon after being dried up. Do this drying at least once a week and your bed will be the best place to sleep anymore.
