Replace the living room for a new atmosphere – When arranging living room at home , you do not just work for yourself . Although it can show your taste and personality , guests and family will also be sharing the room with you .

From now on , change the arrangement of the living room , in order to create new shades . Like , guests were tasteful . Here are some style of arrangement that can be replicated .


The human eye is always trying to find regularities . When it goes into all the rooms with symmetrical arrangement , you tend to think of neat and fun . Try using monochromatic shades and divide the living room into two . Make sure the arrangement on the same side with the arrangement on the other side . Symmetrical style also gives the impression of a formal living room .


For those of you who like simplicity , minimalist style might be appropriate . This style is also " comfortable " in the eyes of all people . Not too many details are dizzying in the room minimalist style . Try to choose furniture with pale colors . Avoid using a sofa that seemed thick . Do not forget , try just " hang" of furniture and stuff that you need in the room .


There is a difference between symmetrical and balanced arrangement . Symmetrical arrangement must be balanced , but not necessarily symmetrical balanced arrangement . For this setting , more free . You can use a circular coffee table and put a single couches circling around him .

Mix and match arrangement

In addition to balancing the living room with a circular arrangement , also try to mix and match some types of furniture . In addition to balanced , this arrangement also impressed modern , " life " , and comfortable .

not serious

To open concept home ( open space ) , you can combine the living room with playroom , library , or even a dining room . Make sure the shades in the living room is not too stiff and serious . If necessary , ask your guests to play video games , billiards , or eating lunch with you . You also can provide bright colors , and unique shaped furniture and impressed " arty " in this arrangement .

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