Arranging the Wardrobe Well (Part 2) – When you enter a bedroom, the first part of this room you will directly see is the bedroom which is the main furniture of the bedroom, and after that, we will directly see the wardrobe of the bedroom. In this wardrobe, we can find so many stuffs and clothes owned by the room owner. Well, by the wardrobe condition, we can see the condition of the room whether it is quite neat or not. Some rooms have the wardrobe which is quite hard to be closed or even it has the open model so that we can see the inside part easily. It must be embarrassing if the cupboard is in total mess by so many stacking items inside since the cupboard is hard to handle all clothes and stuffs, isn’t it?

In the earlier article, we already discussed about how important to do selection about the still being used items and the unused other so that we can throw the unused item from the wardrobe in order to make the wardrobe getting more neat and can handle so many stuffs and clothes needed by the room owner.

The selection can be done by choosing the clothes one by one and considering whether the cloth is still needed or not by the room owner. We can remember the last time we use the cloth and imagine when we will wear this in the future. If there’s no reason to use the cloth anymore, then it is categorized as unused and no need to be saved inside the wardrobe. The unused stuffs is separated from the used other which will be put back inside the wardrobe so that the wardrobe is only fulfilled by the needed stuffs so that it is not to full anymore.
