Cleaning the Shoes Shelf – Shoes shelf is one of the furniture kinds which is easily get dirty. It is caused by the shoes which brings many dirt and dust from outside while being used. In order to cleaning the shoes shelf, this is some things we can do.

  • Since the main cause of the dirt is the shoes, we need to take care of the shoes first. Clean the shoes shortly after being used before we put them inside.
  • Some dirt and dust are hard to be cleaned off the shoes shelf so that we need to clean them with wet cloth. Well, make sure that the cloth is not so wet so that the shoes shelf won’t be damaged.
  • Make sure that the shoes shelf is far away from any water leaking from the roof area or water which is splashed from the bath room or kitchen.
  • Use the feather duster to clean the shoes shelf from any dust.

You also need to use the good quality shoes shelf which is strong and has good appearance just like the HUGA 4310 from Lunar Furniture. Just contact or 021 54376 555/333 and get the best shoes shelf for your shoes collection.