Lincak, the Accent of the Family Room – The “Lincak” term comes from the Javanese language which means a kind of sitting place made from bamboo material. Lincak is a kind of flexible chair, which means, lincak can be placed in any room in the house. Commonly, Javanese people will put the lincak on the terrace or on the veranda of the house as the place for all family members to enjoy the time together or even to do some conversation with neighbors. Well, lincak also can be functioned as the place to lie and take relax while the air temperature in a house is quite hot.

Right now, lincak has some metamorphosis in its shape and appearance. In past, the original lincak was always shaped like the long chair made by bamboo. Right now, we can see that lincak can be designed in modern way so that its appearance becomes sweeter and more comfortable as a sitting place. As a flexible chair where it can be placed in many places, lincak can be placed inside the family room. The modern lincak can be added by soft foam as the room’s sweetener accent and also a comfortable place for watching the television.

By placing the lincak inside the family room, you don’t need any other furniture to fulfill the room. A lincak can be combined with carpet on the floor and can be added by some pillows which are arranged beautifully are good enough as the relaxation place for you and your family. If it is needed, you can put a mini table beside the lincak. The mini table can be the place for you to put some snacks like dry biscuits or some beverages as the additional part while you and your family is watching television or just having conversation together.