Bathroom Furniture I – Lighting in the bathroom is as important as the other lighting in the room. Utilization of natural light during the day is recommended.

Sunlight, in addition to acting as a torch, also avoid the shower of damp, mold, and bacteria. Let the sun light entering through openings sufficient.

Openings in the bathroom can be a glass window in the wall, or roof (skylight). Moreover, it can also be used jalousie screen on the wall or roof as well.

Of course, when you want to make the glass window on the roof and walls, you need to pay attention to its placement. If it later placement disturbing privacy windows, can be added to use window blinds as window coverings, for bathroom use. Afterwards, open the window blind that more sunlight can freely enter.

At night, it’s time to maximize the artificial lighting of the bathroom lights. Structuring the lights must not carelessly. There are certain areas that need more lighting.

Artificial lighting in the bathroom was very influenced by the activity in it. Many people use the bathroom, not just for the shower. Dress up even reading can be done in this room. So prepare adequate lighting for each activity.

Some areas such as shower and the sink usually require more light. Note also the placement. Sink area is usually equipped with a mirror. Activity toothbrush, wash, to dress done here.

To mirror area, well placed lights on the left and right. So that the direction of light falling right in the face. In the shower or tub area could use wall lights or lamps attached to the ceiling.

In placing the lights in the wet areas, caution is needed. If possible choose a lamp that has protection from water splashes and dust. In the small bathroom, where the shower is the only activity, the lights in the ceiling could be enough. Origin of light is enough to light up any part of the shower room. (Anissa Q. Aini)
