Exciting Clean Kitchen

LunarFurniture.com If you have a clean kitchen you will surely feel at home cooking and the atmosphere was so nice. The kitchen area of ​​9.6 m2 become an integral part of the dining room. It's right on the side of the dining room. 54cm kitchen floor is higher than the dining room. To reach the kitchen, you have to climb three stairs and wooden floors. The floor height difference confirms the existence of differences in the function space.

Bottom cabinet to store cooking utensils, such as panic, frying pan, knife, and spoon and fork. Good furniture placement help you do the activity. To maintain the cleanliness of the kitchen of the home owners put a stainless steel trash can to help you maintain the cleanliness of the kitchen.

Photo: Martin / Tri

Property: Donny residence C.Sapoetro

Sources: ideaonline.co.id