Choosing Office desk for the Intensive Meeting

Everyone who worked as an office worker, who each day set off early to go home in the afternoon, it will be spending more time in the office and can not be separated from the name of the meeting. Yes, the meeting became a mandatory activity for office employees. Meeting schedule too many things, nothing is done once a week, there is a three times a week and some even every day.
Selecting an office desk for the purposes of meeting is very important, because the frequency of meetings and the routine many can not afford to avoid. Frequent meeting schedule to make the office should select an office desk that is really appropriate and comfortable for long berduduk while discussing something that racked his brains, or even giving a presentation. Well, here Lunar Furniture office desk has many models which is very suitable for the purposes of meeting. However we recommend is an office desk with QD120 code.
Office desk is designed to be comfortable to use for intensive meetings. Boundaries made blunt edge of the table so it does not accidentally hit or if it is not tersenggol table does not cause injury. Model QD120 office desk is also convenient in use for meeting a small scale. This is because the model QD120 office desk allows the presenter reviewing whether the meeting attendees listened well or not. Immediately order to QD120 meeting table Lunar Furniture hotline at (021) 54376555/333 or visit the website