Easy Ways to Eliminate Mushrooms On Furniture

In general, every house of course there are a variety of furniture such as a wardrobe, a table, a chair or even a computer desk. Well, this is certainly a variety of furniture made of wood in which the wood material is not sufficiently resistant to moisture that will bring mushrooms.
When the wood on furniture exposed to water for a long time, so do not be surprised if we soon will see the growth of fungi in the wood material. If it is so then there is no other way than we have membersihkanya immediately.
We could have used alcohol. Rubbing alcohol aims to eliminate the fungus that grows on the furniture. We recommend using alcohol had higher levels of 70% to 80%.
Use a soft cloth to rub alcohol on the surface of our furniture. For example our computer desks were exposed to the fungus, then moisten a soft cloth with alcohol first and then applied on the surface exposed to the fungus.
LMC model computer table 82 of Lunar Furniture proved quite resistant to fungal attack. This computer desk is one of the furniture that you can rely on. You do not need to worry about the quality and ketahananya. Prove it and call 021 54376 or visit www.lunarfurniture.com 555/333.
It is advisable to apply alcohol outdoors to smell the alcohol quickly disappear and dry quickly. If the furniture is attacked is the wardrobe, then put mothballs in it to control the humidity.