How to Take Care of the Right Batik

Surely we have at least one batik shirt in our wardrobe. Batik shirt is one of the clothes that “must” Indonesian people have. Any formal events or offices usually will not be separated from using batik clothes. Therefore from this time we will discuss how to care for batik.
First, avoid using detergent soap, because it is too hard in eroding the colors that stick to the fabric. Instead, use special liquids that are sold on the market or shampoo. Dissolve the water of the shampoo so that no thickened parts, so as not to damage the color of the fabric. Kucek gently on the dirty part only.
Avoid drying batik clothes in a place directly exposed to the sun, just dried in the shade or diangin-air only. Iron by pasting the coating first. Avoid directly spraying batik shirt with perfume or other fragrances, because it will damage the color of the batik style.
When storing in the closet, avoid using camphor and the like, as it will damage the fabric. To expel moths use pepper wrapped in tissue, place it in the corner of the wardrobe.
Use the LPT 315 model wardrobe from Lunar Furniture. This wardrobe will maximize your collection of batik clothes. To get it just call 021 54376 555/333 or click