Some Modern Wardrobe Models (Part 3) – One thing crosses our mind if we are talking about the wardrobe must be furniture which is shaped in square with huge doors, as big as the biggest side of the wardrobe. The wardrobe must be enough to be the storage of so many items such as clothes and other household items. Indonesian people has tendency in having the wooden material wardrobe, but as time goes by, we also recognize certain materials such as the plastic, metal, or even cloth. Despite of the material variation, wood remains to become the dominating material for the wardrobe.

Due to the time development, there are various alternative materials other than wood, plastic, or even metal to become the material of wardrobe. An interesting idea comes from the modern and well grown country where you can find a wardrobe which is made from the piles of garbage bin, I repeat, yes! Garbage bin! This fact must be surprises you but this radical idea is quite good to be applied since the garbage bin which is mostly made by thick plastic and has huge door. Garbage bin has quite big space to be used as storage so that it is good to be used as the wardrobe, but there’s a thing that we are really need to consider, which is the garbage bin is still in good and clean condition. For some people, it means we can buy the new garbage bin, but we also can find the wardrobe which is ready made. This wardrobe has unique color proportion and unusual shape, which means, it is good to be applied for our house since it is unique. Other model of the wardrobe is the design made by Horm of Italy which made the wardrobe which is called laeser beam wardrobe which has unique outer appearance.
