Neat Clothes inside LPT 024 Wardrobe – A person’s personality can be seen from his/her room, especially from the inside part of the wardrobe. We want to make our room clean and our wardrobe in neat condition, right? Lunar Furniture provides wardrobe which can support your neatness; the LPT 024 C wardrobe.

  • We must think about how to arrange the clothes and stuffs. First thing we can do is by taking out all clothes from the wardrobe and then we can choose wisely which clothes we can keep inside the wardrobe.
  • We can arrange the clothes due to the kinds and model; shirt must be combined with other shirt, jacket with other jacket, jeans with other jeans, etc. You can get neat arrangement and this will ease you to pick the clothes you want to wear.
  • Some small stuffs like socks or handkerchief can be placed in a box so that they will be more neat.

LPT 024 C wardrobe is not that kind of wide so that it is good to be used in minimalist size room. Well, this wardrobe height is 182 cm and can be used to keep large amount of clothes and stuffs. It also has modern appearance with pretty mirror for you in morning preparation. What are you waiting for, just call the Lunar Furniture Sales team in 021 54376 555/333 or and get your neat wardrobe for your room.