– Kini, dapur-dapur pada rumah modern mulai banyak memakai furniture kitchen set. Disamping memiliki tampilan yang cenderung bersih dan rapi bagi area dapur, kitchen set juga menawarkan fungsi yang sangat baik bagi kegiatan masak-memasak dimana berbagai kegiatan dapat dilakukan dengan lebih mudah. Namun, tahukah anda, mahal tidaknya kitchen set yang akan anda beli ternyata dipengaruhi oleh bahan bakunya. Apa sajakah bahan baku kitchen set tersebut?
- Bahan kitchen set pertama adalah kayu solid yang kuat dan sangat keras. Namun, karena bahannya kini semakin menipis di alam, maka kitchen set yang memakai bahan kayu solid pun menjadi semakin mahal.
- Plywood sebagaimana tripleks atau multipleks adalah bahan kayu lapis yang banyak dipakai sebagai kitchen set. Harganya memang cukup murah, namun kekuatan dan daya tahannya tidak begitu baik.
- Bahan kitchen set berupa MDF juga cukup laris dipakai sebagai material kitchen set dan sangat ramah lingkungan. Harganya yang terjangkau sayangnya diimbangi dengan kerentanannya terhadap air.
- Particle board, bahan kitchen set paling murah dan paling lentur, sayangnya juga masih rentan bila terkena air.
Jika anda telah berpikir untuk membeli kitchen set bagi dapur anda, Lunar Furniture telah menyediakan Kitchen Set Design 5 yang sangat cantik bagi dapur anda. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silahkan hubungi atau 021. 54376555/333. – Nowadays, there are many kinds of modern house’s kitchen which are using kitchen set furniture. Besides of the pretty, clean, and neat appearance, the kitchen set provides various compact functions so that the cooking session can be done easier. Well do you know that the kitchen set’s price depends on the material used? Well, here is the explanation of some materials used by kitchen set.
- The first kitchen set material is the strong and hard solid wood. Well this material is very good, but since its stock is decreasing in the nature, the price of the solid wood kitchen set is very expensive now.
- Plywood material like triplex or multiplex is frequently used as the material of the kitchen set. It is quite cheap compared to the solid wood, but it has lower quality especially in strength and durability.
- MDF material is also quite popular as the material of the kitchen set since it is eco-friendly, but its cheap price is balanced by its weakness to water.
- Board particle. It is the cheapest and the most flexible material for the kitchen set. Unfortunately, it is bad to handle the water.
If you are already think about the kitchen set kind which you want to use in your kitchen, you can get further information in or 021.54376555/333.