Yang Diperhatikan Dalam Membuat Kitchen Set (Bagian 1)Things We Need to Consider in Kitchen Set Making (Part 1)

Lunarfurniture.com – Mendapatkan kitchen set bisa dikatakan adalah hal yang cukup mudah untuk dilakukan. Salah satu furniture yang mulai mendapatkan pamor di banyak kalangan masyarakat ini banyak sekali ditemui di rumah-rumah modern di berbagai area perkotaan. Kitchen set sendiri adalah sebuah furniture yang dapat menampung berbagai perabotan rumah tangga dan juga bahan makanan yang segera diolah. Adanya kitchen set yang berada di area dapur pada rumah-rumah modern yang berukuran lebih kecil dari rumah-rumah tradisional tentu akan sangat membantu kegiatan memasak sehari-hari di dapur.

Kitchen set sendiri sangat mudah didapatkan karena biasanya furniture ini adalah salah satu furniture wajib di setiap toko furniture. Di toko furniture tersebut, kita akan mendapati berbagai variasi, jenis, model dan bahkan harga dari kitchen set. Namun, belum tentu semua pilihan kitchen set tersebut sesuai dengan yang kondisi dapur rumah kita. Disinilah kita dapat mencoba untuk membuatnya sendiri.

Membuat kitchen set sendiri berarti kita dapat memesan pada tukang kayu yang berpengalaman atau jika kita cukup baik dalam mengelola material, kita dapat membuatnya sendiri di rumah. Kitchen set sendiri tidak melulu harus terbuat dari bahan kayu solid yang kuat. Beberapa pilihan bahan seperti multiplex atau plywood, MDF, particle board, atau bahkan block board dapat dijadikan bahan kitchen set yang cukup kuat dan dapat bertahan lama. Banyak pakar yang menyarankan pemakaian bahan multiplex atau plywood sebagai pilihan utama jika kita ingin membuat kitchen set sendiri mengingat kemampuannya dalam bertahan terhtap rayap. Bahan plywood juga memiliki partikel lebih padat sehingga lebih kuat dalam pemasangan sekrup dan lebih awet. Jika anda lebih suka untuk memakai bahan kayu yang lebih natural dan memiliki budget cukup besar, ada baiknya anda mempertimbangkan bahan kayu jati dan kayu meranti yang kuat sekaligus indah.

Sumber: wolipop.detik.com


Lunarfurniture.com – Getting kitchen set is a thing which is easy to do. One of the furniture kinds which are quite famous nowadays can be found easily in many modern houses, especially which are located in the cities area. Kitchen set is a kind of furniture which can be used as the storage of many houses appliances and also the food materials which will be cooked. The existence of the kitchen set in the modern house’s kitchen area which is commonly has smaller size compared to the traditional house’s size will be very good and helpful for daily cooking activity in the kitchen.

Kitchen set is quite easy to get since this kind of furniture is included as the must be available furniture in each furniture shop. In the furniture shop, we can get so many variations, kinds, model, or even price range. Well, from all of the furniture available in there, sometimes we can’t find the kitchen set which is suit for the kitchen condition in our house. From this problem, we can make a choice to build the kitchen set.

Making the kitchen set all alone means that we can ask for the experienced carpenter to handle the material or if we are quite experienced enough, then we can build it all alone in the house. Kitchen set is not always made from the solid wood. We can choose several materials such as the multiplex or plywood, MDF, particle board, or even block board which is strong and durable enough for the kitchen set. Expert stated that the multiplex or plywood material is the best material to be used as the kitchen set since it can handle the termite. Plywood is also has the more compact particle so that it s quite strong during the screw installation and also can add the durability of the kitchen set. If you are more interested in the wooden material which needs bigger budget, you can use the teak and meranti wood which is strong and beautiful material for kitchen set.

Source: wolipop.detik.com