[:id]Punya Dapur Impian?? Bisa Kok![:en]The kitchen has a Dream ?? Can Kok![:]


Kitchen set custom mulai banyak digemari sekarang ini. Salah satunya karena sulitnya memperoleh desain kitchen set yang sesuai dengan ukuran maupun design dapur kita. Kitchen set yang sudah tersedia di pasaran, kadang tidak memenuhi kebutuhan kita baik dari segi pilihan model, ukuran, fungsi maupun warnanya.

Kitchen Set sekarang benar-benar sudah merupakan sesuatu yang dapat mencerminkan gaya dan selera pemiliknya. Terlebih kitchen set yang dibuat custom yang benar-benar disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan keinginan sang pemilik.

Tunggu apa lagi? Segera konsultasikan kebutuhan kitchen set custom Anda dengan tim Lunar Furniture. Tim design Lunar Furniture akan membantu untuk mewujudkan dapur impian Anda.

Kunjungi www.lunarfurniture.com atau hubungi Sales Team Lunar Furniture  di 021 54376 555/333.


Kitchen set custom start much-loved today. One was the difficulty in acquiring design kitchen set that matches the size and design of our kitchen. Kitchen set is already available on the market, sometimes does not meet our needs both in terms of choice of models, size, function and color.

Kitchen Set now truly own is something that can reflect the style and tastes of the owner. Moreover, custom made kitchen set that is completely tailored to the needs and wishes of the owner.

What are you waiting for? Immediately consult your needs with a custom kitchen set Furniture Lunar team. Lunar Furniture design team will help to realize your dream kitchen.

Visit or contact the Sales Team www.lunarfurniture.com Lunar Furniture at 021 54376 555/333.
