– Pada umumnya saat akan membeli furniture, kebanyakan diantara kita hanya mengenal furniture dengan bahan baku kayu jati yang sudah terkenal kualitas dan kekokohannya, atau kayu mahoni dan kayu trembesi. Belakangan ini malah banyak bermunculan bahan baku furniture baru seperti plywood dan particle board.
Diluar bahan baku kayu untuk memproduksi furniture yang telah banyak dikenal khalayak seperti kayu jati, kayu trembesi, dan lain jenis kayu pada umumnya tersebut, ternyata terdapat jenis kayu baru yang saat ini mulai dilirik kalangan creator furniture. Jenis kayu yang mulai dikembangkan sebagai bahan baku furniture ini adalah kayu pohon manga.
Pada tahun 2011 lalu, salah satu peserta pameran furniture di Jakarta Convention Center telah mengikutsertakan produk-produk furniturnya yang terbuat dari kayu pohon manga. Peminat furniture berbahan baku kayu pohon manga ini ternyata cukup tinggi. Furniture kayu pohon manga tak hanya diminati oleh masyarakat Indonesia sendiri, tetapi juga digemari hingga ke negara Turki, Spanyol, dan Korea.
Pada mulanya kayu pohon manga tidak pernah dilirik oleh para creator furniture. Akan tetapi, akhir-akhir ini kayu dari pohon yang buahnya juga banyak digemari masyarakat tersebut mulai dimanfaatkan untuk memproduksi aneka jenis furniture, tak terkecuali meja konsul. Kayu pohon manga yang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan baku furniture adalah kayu pohon manga yang telah berusia antara 50 sampai 60 tahun.
Sumber: – In furniture procurement, commonly, people only know some materials such as teak, which is famous for the quality and the solidity, or mahogany, and trembesi wood as the chosen wooden materials. There are some new materials for furniture such as plywood and particle board which are quite famous nowadays.
Besides of the well known wooden materials for furniture manufacture such as teak, mahogany, trembesi, and other materials, there is one brand new kind of wooden material which is started to be utilized as furniture material. This kind of wooden materials is the mango tree wood.
In 2011, one of the participants in a furniture exhibition in Jakarta Convention Center showed some of his furniture products which has mango tree wooden for the furniture’s material. There are many people enthusiasts in this brand new mango tree material furniture. Not only Indonesian people who are getting interested with this mango tree material furniture, but some countries citizen such as Turkey, Spain, and Korean Republic also getting enthusiast to this new material.
In past, mango tree has never been adopted as a kind of material by furniture creator. But, nowadays, the wood trunk from the tree which has one of society’s most favorite fruits is already utilized as the material in furniture manufacture world. As an example of mango tree material furniture is the console table. The mango tree wood which can be used as the furniture raw material is taken from the 50-60 years old mango tree.