Good Quality Materials of Kitchen Set – Kitchen set furniture has become a solution for people who want to get better kitchen condition; neater and cleaner. Kitchen set is also considered as a solution for small size kitchen area to get better and more functions. Well, what kind of kitchen set material which we can choose for our kitchen? Here is the explanation.

  • Aluminium

This kitchen set material is quite light and very good to be applied inside the minimalist and modern house since it has unique and attractive colour. Aluminium is easy to be cleaned, it has good durability and not easy to rust. This material is good for small size kitchen.

  • Plywood

Wooden material is still a favourite kitchen set material for many people. It has natural appearance which is very pretty for our kitchen area. Plywood is very good to handle water and humidity, but it is quite fragile if it is not coated by good quality finishing material.

  • Particle wood

Kitchen set which uses particle wood as the material is quite cheap in price, but it is very fragile since it is easy to absorb water. We need to check the finishing material which is used before choosing this kind of kitchen set for our house.

If you are already think about the kitchen set you want to use, you can consider the Kitchen Set Design 3 which is provided by Lunar Furniture. For further information, you can contact or 021.54376555/333.
