Custom Wardrobe untuk Walk in Closet AndaCustom Wardrobe for Walk in Closet– Setiap wanita pasti selalu memiliki impian untuk memiliki walk in closet nya sendiri. Lemari-lemari yang berisi baju, tas-tas yang di taruh serta sepatu berwarna-warni selalu memukau setiap wanita. Terutama Anda yang selalu tampil fashion dan stylish. Memiliki walk in closet juga salah satu bumbu yang bisa memperbaiki mood atau suasana hati setiap wanita, baik yang telah berkeluarga maupun masih single.

Lunar Furniture memiliki berbagai jenis custom wardrobe yang bisa anda pilih untuk walk in closet impian anda. Seperti L-002 yang memiliki pintu agar koleksi-koleksi baju anda tidak terkena debu dan tetap tampil elegan, atau L-007 untuk design minimalis tapi tetap eksklusif. Untuk anda yang menyukai hal-hal japanese minimalis, Lunar Furniture mempunyai custom wardrobe dengan kode L-020 yang menciptakan siluet dari baju-baju yang anda letakkan di wardrobe sehingga privasi anda lebih terjaga saat house assistance membersihkan ruangan anda atau bahkan saat teman-teman anda sedang tour di rumah anda.

Lunar Furniture juga masih memiliki banyak design lainnya, anda bisa berkonsultasi apa custom wardrobe yang tepat untuk ruangan anda di +62-21 54376555, +62-21 54376333

Memiliki walk in closet pribadi sudah bukan mimpi lagi, tinggal telepon kami dan voila, dalam waktu dekat, mimpi anda akan tercapai.

Ingat, telepon +62-21 54376555, +62-21 54376333. Ingat Furniture ya pasti Ingat Lunar Furniture.– Every woman would always have a dream to own its own walk-in closet. Cupboards containing clothes, bags in place as well as colorful shoes always amaze every woman. Especially you who always looks fashion and stylish. Has a walk-in closet is also one of the ingredients that can improve mood or the mood of every woman, both of which are already married or still single.

Lunar Furniture has various types of custom wardrobe that you can choose to walk-in closet of your dreams. Such as L-002 which has a door that collections are not exposed to dust your clothes and still look elegant, or L-007 for a minimalist design but still exclusive. For those who like things japanese minimalist, Lunar Furniture has a custom wardrobe with code L-020 which creates a silhouette of the clothes that you put in the wardrobe so that your privacy is maintained while house assistance cleaning your room or even your friends was tour in your home.

Lunar Furniture also still have many other designs, you can consult custom wardrobe what is right for your space + 62-21 54376555, + 62-21 54376333
Has a walk-in closet personally have not a dream anymore, just call us and voila, in the near future, your dreams will be achieved.
Remember, phone + 62-21 54376555, + 62-21 54376333. Remember Furniture yes definitely remember Lunar Furniture.