– Kabinet dapur dengan model tertutup pun tetap rawan kotor loh! Debu-debu nakal tetap dapat menelusup melalui celah kecil yang terdapat diantara badan cabinet dan pintu. Pada mulanya, debu memang tak tertangkap mata, namun jika terus menerus dibiarkan tanpa dilakukan pembersihan, tumpukan debu pun akan mengancam kebersihan perabot dapur Anda, bahkan jika terhirup dalam jangka waktu panjang dapat membahayakan system pernafasan Anda.
Cabinet dapur keluaran pabrik, pada umumnya memang telah dilengkapi dengan penahan debu atau dust seal yang ditempatkan pada bagian tepi cabinet yang bersinggungan dengan pintu cabinet. Apabila cabinet dapur Anda tidak dilengkapi dengan dust seal, Anda dapat mengatasi ‘pertumbuhan’ debu dengan beberapa langkah mudah berikut ini:
1. Sediakan weather strip (penahan debu untuk pintu rumah dan jendela) dengan ukuran ketebalan 4mm dan lebar 9 mm yang telah dilengkapi dengan perekat pada bagian salah satu sisinya.
2. Sediakan gunting
3. Ukur panjang pada bagian sisi cabinet
4. Potong weather strip sesuai kebutuhan
5. Bersihkan bagian tepi cabinet menggunakan kain
6. Buka bagian lapisan perekat weather strip
7. Rekatkan weather strip pada bagian sisi cabinet dan cabinet dapur Anda sudah aman dari terjangan debu.
Praktis bukan? Selamat mencoba!
Sumber: – There are many types of kitchen cabinet. One of those types is the closed type. Some people think that by choosing closed type kitchen cabinet, the things inside will be safe from the dirt and dust. The fact, the dust can come inside the cabinet easily through the small gap among cabinet bodies and doors. At the beginning, it seems that the cabinet remains clean, but if we just let it be in that condition without any routine cleaning, the sum of dusts will break the beauty appearance of your kitchen appliances. As an addition, that thick dust can harm your body respiration system if we inhale them for long period.
Commonly, kitchen cabinet which is manufactured in factory has already equipped by dust prevention system or dust seal which is located on the edge of the cabinet which meet the cabinet door. If your kitchen cabinet is not equipped with dust seal, you don’t have to be worry. There are some simple and easy ways in dealing with the dust on your cabinet, which are:
· You can use weather strip (a kind of dust prevention for house’s doors and windows) which has 4mm thickness and 9 mm width and equipped with gluten on one side.
· Take a scissor.
· Measure the length of cabinet’s side.
· Cut the weather strip according to your need.
· Clean the cabinet’s side by using cloth.
· Open the weather strip’s gluten layer.
· Put on the weather strip on the cabinet’s and kitchen cabinet’s side which are already safe from dust problem
Simple, isn’t it? You can just easily try it anytime