Tips Keep Moving Although in Office Melulu

If we are an office worker, then we will be one of those who are less physically moving. Generally, office workers sit in front of his office desk all day. This in the long term will certainly be bad for health. As much as possible take a moment, for example during lunchtime or when waiting for the print or photocopy. Take a little time. This is only to keep your physical health condition remains excellent.
We can also start with small runs in place for 60 seconds. Can be varied by jumping with one foot, then replace with another foot. If this way is feared to interfere with other workers, then we can walk down or up the stairs with a quick step.
Push-up by relying on a sturdy office table can also be an effective arm muscle booster exercise option. Place the chair a bit away from the table. Sit back and get up from the chair as fast and as much as possible. But make sure your office desk is strong enough to support your weight.
The office desk model QD 1475 L / 1675 L from Lunar Furniture is a great choice for doing this exercise as it is quite powerful and is made of quality materials. To get it just call it 021 54376 555/333 or click Hopefully these tips can be useful!
#office desk