Apparently Sit Upright Not Suggested

We are of course often advised to sit upright to sit us right. The goal is to prevent us from being hunchback from sitting not up for long. But do you know that sitting upright for a long time is also not recommended?
Apparently, sitting upright can put pressure on the lower back and abdomen. This can cause us to experience mild to chronic back pain. Sitting upright is good for posture, but less good for lower back health.
Then how to sit well according to experts? Some argue that good sitting is a way to lean a little by forming a 135-degree angle. But Dr. Waseem Bashir from Alberta Hospital said that sitting upright and 135 degrees did not always determine the back pain. So it would be better if the two ways of sitting is used interchangeably with a mild interlude of movement. So that our body will not be stiff and pain in the joints.
Mild movement on the sidelines of work in front of the computer desk is very helpful to maintain the health of our back. LMC 86 model computer table from Lunar Furniture is highly recommended for use. This computer desk is well designed to support the work in front of the computer while maintaining the health of our back. Contact Lunar Furniture at 021 54376 555/333 or click to get this computer table.
#computer desk