Expand Drinking Water At Old Sitting In Front Of Computer

When our work is related to computers and requires us to sit long at the computer, then we must be diligent in taking water to keep our bodies healthy. Because, sitting eight hours at the computer bad effects almost identical to those addicted to cigarettes.
Sitting too long at the computer can impact the health of the body even affects the postural problems. To that end, in addition to pay attention to how to sit properly, you also have to get used to doing a good habit for sitting in front of a computer, such as stretching and drinking water.
Dehydration can make us easily tired and our concentration will be disrupted. Therefore we must make our body well hydrated so that our concentration can be maintained. Drink water to keep the body avoid dehydration well. You can also drink coffee or tea, but because it can trigger you urinate, then you also have to balance it with water. Balance is also the march regularly to get up every 15 to 30 minutes to stretch the muscles.
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#computer desk