Pay Attention To The Wardrobe Clothing Cloth

Before your furniture is moldy you should always clean the wooden furniture you have. Treatment can be done by using odor absorbent and moisture absorbent. The tool you can find easily by buying it in the market. Next use LED lights or TL lamps to keep furniture dry and prevent mold growth in damp rooms.
Humidity conditions that occur due to the use of air conditioning (air conditioner) is cold and rainy season weather makes the air in the room becomes damp and dewy. High humidity of the air can also often threaten household furniture such as wardrobe. Wardrobe that is in the condition of the room is too cold and closed, easy to damp to arise mushroom and smelly.
But it will not bother us if we choose the right wardrobe manufacturer. For example, wardrobe model LPT 2002 from Lunar Furniture. The excellent finishing of this wardrobe automatically makes it very resistant to fungus attacks on the wardrobe. For that make sure the wardrobe that you use is a wardrobe model LPT 2002 from Lunar Furniture by calling 021 54376 555/333 or click