Hiding in the Book Overdrafts Wall

LunarFurniture.com Confused choosing a suitable book storage cabinets placed in your tiny house? Not to be confused, because there is no standard way to store books, for example, should be in the closet.

Here, for example, the arrangement of inspiration that optimize overdraft bookcase wall. Overdraft at the corner of the room is usually used as a place to put the cabinet. Field space is used for furniture was to be reduced so that the room more spacious.

For those of you who need a corner area for reading, overdraft could be the storage of your favorite books. Maximum, you can still make a seven-level shelves that each level is laid out book reading.

The result, which protrudes into the wall making a bookshelf is not visible from the side, because the walls. However, when viewed from the front, was concealed with beautiful cabinets in overdraft.

You can also add a few points on each shelves downlights to provide unequivocal effect. Choice of yellow light will make the rack look more beautiful.

Do not forget, leave a space between the wall of books. This meant that the book was not damaged by damp. Congratulations creating! (Febrina Syaifullana)

Sources: properti.kompas.com