Locus Seat and Standing Desk, the Half-Stand Office Chair – Locus seat and standing desk are unique office chair and table furniture. They have slim frame and surface, but still providing areas to put some electronic devices as working equipment.

Martin Keen, the idea creator of locus seat and standing desk found out that the sitting position while working was not comfortable and even interrupting his performance. The uncomfortable feeling he felt triggered the complete office table creation equipped with the chair which can be the “bridge” between the standing position and sitting position while working. It seems like the user of this furniture is reclining on the seat in front of the desk.

The mini size seat in front of the desk creates the ideal position for the body. The seat will put the body’s position into the comfortable way and make the back is in the natural straight position. By this ideal position, the body and mind of the locus seat and standing desk user can get the working focus for all day long.

In fact, the locus seat, a part of locus seat and standing desk furniture, can be paired with any kinds of desk, including the drawing desk. In his private site, Martin Keen stated that the locus seat and standing desk is his first creation which was born from his personal experience. It needs the highest concentration to create the comfortable feeling at the chair part of the locus seat and standing desk.

Locus seat and standing desk is designed and assembled in Rhode Island area. For the spare parts of the chairs of Locus seat and standing desk, we can find them easily in some countries like Canada, China, Germany, and United States.
