Opponents of Clothing Wardrobe With this

Cultivation is the main enemy of our wardrobe. How not, if the humidity in our wardrobe is high enough, do not be surprised if the result of our wardrobe will be full of musty smell and mold. Of course we do not want that to happen to our wardrobe. For that refer to the following tips.
First, make sure the sunlight can get into our kama. In addition to good sunlight for environmentally friendly room lighting, sunlight is also able to reduce the humidity in our room.
If you use air conditioner in your room, you should pay attention to AC discharge water. AC wastewater is often ignored and allowed to flow just like that adds to the humidity of the room.
If our wardrobe is infested with fungus, we can clean the contents of the wardrobe and remove the mushrooms with anti-fungus is sold in the market. After that place the collection back your clothes and do not forget to give camphor in it. This is quite effective in preventing the development of mold in the future.
The wardrobe model of LPT 316 from Lunar Furniture is the solution for storing your favorite clothes. Immediately call 021 54376 555/333 or visit the website www.lunarfurniture.com for konsulltasi and booking this beautiful wardrobe which of course will anti fungus.