Do Side Stretch on the sidelines Working To Maintain Health

No longer new news if sitting for long is not good for health. Many eventually complain of back pain and neck muscle pain due to sitting posture when typing tend to bend or office desk that does not support posture.
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So, than the prestige of holding the pain do mild movements on the sidelines of your work. Not only freeing the body from tension, the mind will also return fresh and vibrant so it’s easy to stay focused on the job. One of them is Side Stretch.
The trick, standing with both feet docked and both hands are at the side of the body. Balance the weight on both legs. Take a breath, stretch your back and lift both hands straight over your head. Grasp the right wrist with left hand. Keep your shoulders and hips aligned as you lean to the left. Gently pull with your left hand to stretch the right side of the body. Keep your chin lifted and parallel to the floor. Hold this yoga pose for three times of exhale, then swap the right side.
#office desk