Kitchen Set Which Will Support Your Cooking Activity – in past, kitchen area is identical to dirty, sticky, and full with oil splash area. Since there is kitchen set, the kitchen area can be way better, cleaner, and more neat area. Kitchen set has main function to ease the cooking activity and as the storage of food material and cooking appliances. Lunar Furniture has some kitchen sets which will make you comfortable in the kitchen. Here are some things you must note in choosing the kitchen set.

  • The size of your kitchen. This is important in determining the space size you will use as the kitchen set area.
  • The type of kitchen set which sill be suit for your house, whether it is classical, modern minimalist, or natural. If you want the classic one, then the finishing material is veneer or spray paint. If you want the minimalist modern one, then the finishing material is HPL.
  • The material of the kitchen set. Plywood or widely known as multiplex is the most popular material for kitchen set. It has good durability and eco-friendly.
  • What kind of racks you need for cooking tools storage. Think about the size of cooking tools. This action will make you choose the perfect kitchen set.

If you are already think about choosing the kitchen set which is perfect for you then the Kitchen Sets from Lunar Furniture will be the best option. For further information about kitchen set, you can contact or 021-54376 555/333.