We Can Use Alcohol To Expel Mushrooms in Furniture

The rainy season like now it can be a means of fungi and bacteria multiply very well. When supplies of our furniture is made of wood exposed to moisture, the fungus can thrive.
Especially in our wardrobe. Wardrobe overgrown mushroom is bad news. Because the fungus can also attack our clothing collection. If it is so, then we need to take action to deter mold growth so as not worse.
We can apply the alcohol in our wardrobe is overgrown with fungus. By rubbing alcohol on the part covered with fungus, the fungus will then be cleaned and prevent it from growing back. Of alcohol can later be mengguap so the cupboard is not moist. But keep in mind is the smell of alcohol hefty sting. Good that we use alcohol in moderation is actually produced a stench in our wardrobe.
But fears that mushrooms grown wardrobe can be less if we use the wardrobe LPT 027 models of the Lunar Furniture. The wardrobe has undergone the process of finishing is good so that will be resistant to fungal attack. Immediately call (021) 54376555 or (021) 54376333. You can also visit the website Lunar Furniture in www.lunarfurniture.com for consultation and pemesananya.