When Working Must Use Computer

In today’s everything is all computer. For students, college students and office workers, computers have become a must-have for everyday life. Many of us work by sitting for hours watching the screen all day long. It certainly has a negative impact on the body. The parts of the body that are often affected are the eyes, the back of the hand, to the feet.
But this does not need to happen if you pay attention to how to use the computer properly.
Setting the lighting conditions of the room and the brightness of the computer screen is very important to keep the eyes healthy. The computer screen is too bright to make eyes tired quickly.
Occasionally switch from the computer screen to make our eyes do not look at the same object for a long time. In addition, computer radiation can damage the eyes. So, try a few moments to divert your eyes from the computer screen by closing your eyes and doing light massage around the eyes.
Make light movements to keep our blood flow smooth. The source of the aches and pains in the back is generally the blood flow that is not smooth. Mild movement will help us in the blood circulation.
LMC 86 model computer table from Lunar Furniture is ideal for everyday use because of its ergonomic design. Health problems in our body will be minimized. Just call Lunar Furniture at 021 54376 555/333 or click www.lunarfurniture.com to get it.
#computer desk