Know What Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Then Avoid

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that causes the finger to experience the sensation of tingling, numbness, or pain. The most commonly affected parts are the thumb, middle finger, and index finger. Symptoms that occur usually develop slowly and will get worse at night.
Carpal tunnel or narrow aisle alley on the wrist with an open end in the palm of the hand. The aisle is surrounded by the bones of the wrist at the bottom and the connective tissue (ligaments) that run across it. The median nerve travels through this aisle to provide a sensation of touch or touch to the palms of the thumb, forefinger, middle finger, and half of the ring finger. In addition, the median nerve also provides power to the hand muscles to pinch or pinch objects by the thumb and the tip of the other fingers.
When swelling of the nerves, tendons, or even both, the median nerve is compressed and results in carpal tunnel syndrome. One of the activities that can trigger this syndrome is typing for too long. If compounded by the wrong hand position when typing, then the risk of attack will be doubled. Therefore use the LMC 86 computer model table from Lunar Furniture to prevent this syndrome attack. Keep your hands level with the keyboard you use. Contact Lunar Furniture at 021 54376 555/333 or click to get it.
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