The Type of Wood for the Kitchen Set – Of course when talking about furniture, in this case is the kitchen set, then we cannot forget about the raw material. As with any other furniture, kitchen set is created by using more wood. Indonesia is a tropical country which is one of the largest lumber producers in the world. But unfortunately, some types of wood known quite expensive, although it is comparable to the quality. Below are some of the common types of wood used to make kitchen set that we can consider:

–          Teak Wood

This is one of most favorite types of wood. Teak is known to have good resistance to weather and termite resistant making it very durable. In addition, teak wood also offers a natural motif is so elegant that makes his performances impressed luxury and natural. However, furniture made of teak wood is quite expensive compared to the others

–          Sungkai Wood

Sungkai basically still one genus with teak, but the prices are a bit cheaper. Compared to teak, sungkai  has lighter color, and is often also more lenient. Though slightly below the teak wood, but it also includes a good wood to use in furniture industry.

–          Nyatoh Wood

This wood comes from the region of Riau. The hallmark of this wood is a brownish color with strokes or a very typical motif. Nyatoh wood is also known termite resistant and quite resistant to weather changes so often utilized for the manufacture of frame houses and furnitures.

–          Plywood

This is the type of wood the result of artificial plants made of several pieces of wood which dipress into one. Kitchen set made of wood which is also referred to as tripleks or multiplex is generally much cheaper in comparison with that made of solid wood

–          Particle Wood

This is the result obtained from wood processing and the processing of sawdust. Kitchen set from this material is quite affordable, however, does not have good endurance against weather despite relatively anti termites.

–          Medium Density Fireboard atau MDF

This is the result of mixing pulp with certain chemicals. This wood is not waterproof and moisture so that it is not advisable to buy kitchen set made from this material.