Keep Your Appearances Beautiful

It is important that the skin always looks moist and fresh is to use a moisturizing cream. The type of moisturizer used should match your skin type. For dry skin, you should use a moisturizer that contains oil. As for oily skin, you should wear oil free moisturizer.
We recommend choosing a foundation that approximates or matches the color of our skin. Rub the foundation on the face using your fingers or using a sponge. For even results, we can use the foundation brush to flatten the entire face.
In order not to look tangled and makeup can last long use powder with a color that is slightly lighter than your skin color. Use powder puff or brush to flatten it.
To give a warmer impression, bronze powder brush on cheeks, forehead, nose, chin, and neck using a brush. And do not forget the lips part. In this section select the natural color for our lips. First make a lip line with lip liner before wearing lip color. Wear a lip brush to swipe lipstick on the lips.
Quite long is the process? Not to mention the process of choosing clothes. Well, then you should use the wardrobe model LPT 311 from Lunar Furniture. With this wardrobe it will be able to shorten your time in dressing up. Using makeup and choosing clothes is more fun. Immediately contact Lunar Furniture at 021 54376 555/333 or click for reservations.