Small Size Kitchen? No Problem – If you have minimalist type house, then you will be wonted with small size rooms. Kitchen area is only small size space left in the house which means you won’t get many free spaces to move. Well, you don’t have to worry, we still can cook in fun and comfortable in the kitchen if we can do some tricks.

  • The room space issue won’t be problem if we use furniture like kitchen set as the room separator. This trick can make wider space effect.
  • Wisely choose the bright or neutral colour for the kitchen set or wall’s paint colour. Don’t use dark colour since it will make your kitchen way more small in size.
  • Choose the kitchen set and cooking appliances wisely. Select the one which has function and size we need. Kitchen set which can maximize two sides of the wall like the Kitchen Set Design 6 from Lunar Furniture will be the best reference for small size room.

Besides of very good for small size room, the strength and beauty of this Lunar Furniture’s kitchen set will beautifies your kitchen so that you will do cooking with fun. What are you waiting for, just call Sales Team of Lunar Furniture on 021 54376 555/333 or just easily click and get the best information for your kitchen.