Simple Ways to Avoid Computer Screen Radiation

For students, college students and office workers, computers have become things that can not be abandoned anymore. Many of us work by sitting for hours watching the screen all day long. It certainly affects the body both positive and negative. Staring at the computer screen continuously can change the shape of the retina. Eyes also become tense when continuing to see the monitor for 8 hours per day.
We must ensure the light conditions in the workroom are in good condition. Excessive light or dim light may be the cause of eye strain. Set the ideal conditions of interior lighting so your eyes can work without feeling tense. Then lower the brightness of the computer screen. The computer screen is too bright will make the eyes so watery.
Adjust also the brightness and contrast settings of the monitor according to the eye comfort level. After the entire display has been adjusted, you also need to keep the distance with the monitor screen. That is why, while working is recommended to use desktop versus laptop or tablet. Because we can more flexibility in adjusting the distance of our monitor.
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