How the Right Storage Branded Bags

Have a favorite with famous brand handbags can certainly be a pride for every woman. However it has a branded bag and become the darling of course not easy to care for and storing them.
After all the washing process is finished it is time to save our beloved branded bags of leather for safe and quick. Saving leather bag should not be any, because there are ways that also must be considered before saving. For storage ordinances we have an effective way so that the bag still looks new and durable.
Make sure a place to store our leather handbags is not too moist. Not a problem we store the bags in our wardrobe as long as we can guarantee the wardrobe can lower the humidity and protected from direct sunlight.
Do not forget to menyediaka camphor inside the bags that have been saved. If the leather bag is not in use, keep the leather bag in his pocket. Even when buying a branded leather bag no pockets but we can make it yourself or can also buy bags to store the bag. Avoid storing leather bag with stacked manner.
Model wardrobe LPT 312 is one kind of wardrobe that would be fitting for us to use in our pet store bag collection. Immediately call (021) 54376555/333 or visit the website for consultation and pemesananya