Various Office Furniture (Part 5) – In big cities, we can find many skyscrapers easily. Inside the skyscraper, we can see that there are people who are in high mobility. Most of the people who live inside the skyscraper are the office worker of some companies inside the building. There are many companies use the skyscraper building since almost all skyscraper in big city is located in the strategic area. Inside the office building, we can see many unique things like the room’s layout or the utilization of some furniture which is difficult to be found in other areas.

One of the furniture kinds which is easily found inside the office area is the office chair. The office chair has unique and quite different shape compared to the house chair. Commonly, the house chair is shaped like the couch in soft and comfortable foam and sometimes like the hard chair with no arm rest. The office chair is quite different and special. This chair even has several kinds according to the utilization.

The first kind of office chair we would like to discuss is the staff chair. Most of the staff chair is quite compact and simple since it must be used inside the space limited area. As we know, the desk or the room of the staff is quite limited compared to the manager’s or leader’s room. This staff chair is small and mostly has low back support. It has the arm rest so that it is quite comfortable for the office worker to do many things. Despite of the fact that it is quite cheap, the staff chair is already equipped with the spring system between the back support and the seat which is covered with hard plastic. This system makes the office worker will be comfortable enough to work and do many things.
