Various Office Furniture (Part 2) – Office area has its own uniqueness which is quite different compared to common buildings. We can take example of house building where this kind of building has so many rooms and partition in order to make some private rooms. The office building mostly has rooms too, but commonly, we will find a huge size area where many people work in front of their computer, sitting on a chair and desk where there are unique partitions which are quite low among desks. The furniture inside the office area is quite special. We can mention some like office desk, cupboard, or even bookshelf. Most of them are built for the office only.

 In the earlier article, we already discuss some furniture which are easily found inside the office; the desk and the chair. Right now, we will discuss about other furniture kinds; the book shelf and the archive cupboard. When we are talking about the book shelf, we will directly think about the shelf inside a library or in our house. Well, the office book shelf is quite different compared to the long book shelf in the library which contains hundreds of books. The office book shelf has unique function; keeping books, accessories, and also files needed by the office worker. Commonly, the position of this office book shelf is easily reached by the office worker. Commonly, the book shelf is also accompanied by archive cupboard. The office archives must be very important and confidential so that it must kept safely inside the archive cupboard. Commonly, the archive cupboard is located in the not in the traffic area of office worker. This archive cupboard can be locked in order to make the files inside  are safe. We can put this archive cupboard inside a locked room where only some people can access it.
