Working in Teams, not group

According to Indonesian dictionary, work means doing a job (action), do something. While in the narrow sense, the team can be considered as a group. But keep in mind that the group is not necessarily a team.
A team is not a group of individuals who have their own objectives and then assembled. Rather it is a group of individuals who bind together and work together in achieving the same goal. So this will produce a more robust power because terjalinya cooperation among individuals. So the team’s success is shared success. Individual interests will only be achieved if the interests of the team comes first.
Then how can I make a team we can work optimally? In order for a team to work better and more effective in developing motivation, closeness, and productivity, then we should be able to provide a workplace that is good for them. Good workplace include the design of the room and furnishings are also used to support the performance of workers who work in it.
Use office desk QD 120 models of this beautiful Lunar Furniture. With an office desk that you will be able to work with your team is comfortable and quiet. Your office desk can be used for meetings, discussions and work together. Immediately reserve a table by contacting the office at 021 54376 Lunar Furniture 555/333 or click
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