Refrigerator Models of the Kitchen Set (Part 3) – If you hear the refrigerator word, what word would crosses first on your mind? Well, many people will directly think about the cold temperature inside of this electronic appliance. Refrigerator works by the cooling process inside which sometimes called as the refrigeration process in order to help the food material kept inside the fridge to stay in long time. The food inside will remain fresh and ready to be cooked anytime. In other word, this electronic appliance has function as the storage of the food material which is effective and good for daily kitchen need.

As we discussed in earlier articles, kitchen set as one of the modern furnitures is also adapting the refdigerator for one of its part. It means, refrigerator is not only be found as single appliance in the kitchen, but also can be found in the kitchen set. In other field, we even can find the refrigerator which is used for the industrial needs; which mostly can be found in restaurant or supermarket and in quite big size.

Refrigerator in the kitchen set is not only sized in small or medium. We even can find out the big size of the refrigerator which might be as high as the kitchen set’s height. The side by side type of refrigerator is the type we discuss. This refrigerator type has big size and two doors and shaped just like a cabinet which is placed on the kitchen set. Well, there are also smaller sizes of this refrigerator in them market which has narrower storage places. This refrigerator gives the comfort feeling in the refreshment and cooling action for the food material. This refrigerator can be selected since it has drawers which can be adjusted so that it can be placed on your kitchen set.
