Natural Materials That Are Able To Remove Stains In Wood Furniture

Wooden furniture is sensitive furniture. These items are easily stained when in contact with other objects such as glass, plates and plastic. Of course you don’t want your furniture to look dirty and reduce the beauty of your room, right? The solution is easy. You only need to do the following 3 things.
Baking Soda and Toothpaste
Make the mixture with a mixture of baking soda and toothpaste. Dip a wet cloth into the paste mixture then rub it on the furniture in a circular motion. This takes a long time so it takes patience until the stain disappears. Then dry using a hairdryer or fan. After drying you need to re-moisturize the surface of the wooden furniture by applying oil until it dries.
Walnuts and Nuts
Walnuts and Brazil nuts are very suitable for cleaning stains on light-colored wood furniture. Puree these 2 ingredients then rub them using a cloth or rubber cleaner.
Coffee and Rice
Use a mixture of coffee and rice powder to neutralize bad odors and prevent mold growth in wood drawers or cabinets. Sprinkle dry coffee powder and rice on your furniture, and let the mixture be there for a week. If the smell hasn’t gone away you can do it repeatedly until the smell disappears.
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